Wet my pants love titles:
Billy The Kid's Old Tyme Oddities - The first round was OK but took forever to come out, making it less than worth it. This time, the art is way dope (Elephant Man spread is raaaaaad), revolves around Jack the ripper and Powell is finally writing some fun stuff. The Goon back-ups are the best shit he's drawn in ages. Straight-up one off fun stuff, no over-arching story that drags. Just goofery and hobos.
Baltimore: The Plague Ships - A fast read, but the art by Stenbeck that is guided by Mignola is a real treat. I read the novel a few years back and thought it was so-so. This is pure fun though. Zombies, mushroom men, gribbly zombies, batlike-vampires, weird war elements - so much good in this. To bad the 1st arc is over and I have to wait awhiles.

Walking Dead: Shambles on in a fantastic manner. Still has shocking stuff after all these dang years. The TV show is a bit iffy, but the comic is still solid.
Mignola-verse - Hellboy, BPRD, Withcfinder etc. All this stuff is consistently entertaining and creepy. Late October was an awesome month thanks to a Corbin/Mignola one shot and Evan Dorkin's Beasts of Burden/Hellboy team up. BPRD has never let me down.
Fantastic Four - Still enjoying this title a bunch. Namor stabbing people in the chest and yelling Imperious Rex is almost always a win.
Batman Detective Comics - At least for a little whiles this should be good. Scott Snyder (American Vampire) is writting some dark and gory shit, with some fucked criminals, the way Gotham should be. Plus there's more Gordon. I'm a Gordon fan. Batman to me needs to be more like Gotham Central, ie creepy. Brubaker did wonders with that book.

Fables - Yes Fables please more yes. Issue 100 is around the corner and conflict has to occur.
SHIELD: So weird! Galileo vs Galactus and other crazy stuff! Art is pretty nice as well.
Marvel-titles - ASM, Mighty Avengers, Cap, I'm looking at you. The Spider-man creative team is switching up a bit and I miss the stable of dudes that did The Gauntlet already. Mighty avengers is crazy and I have mixed feelings on it all.
Jack Of Fables - I'm a Fables sucker. Jack was funny stuff early on and made for a Deadpool like book. The past year has been weird storywise, but the art has been worth it for the sci-fi locales and elements. I'm still curious as to where it's all going though.
Deadpool - I know, I'm part of the problem. But it's the only one I read. The rest can suck it hard. This book makes me laugh out loud each issue, so it wins me over. I can understand how he is reviled though.
Irredeemable - This one has gone on for too long. Fun concept about a superman gone apeshit, but it needs to end.
S'all for now. I'm liking all the stuff I'm picking up as of late, no real gripes. Mr. Canada, perhaps you should dump the majority of the Marvel junk and get back on the Hellboy train or step to Scalped.