This one was sorta subtle, but it totally took away from the moment once my backwards brain zeroed in on it. Do ya see it? It's on the 3 panel wide strip that's been in the making for awhiles now - where Sharon Carter finally breaks through Dr. Faustus' brain conditioning and realizes that she was pregnant with Cap's baby and lost said baby during a knife fight with Sin wherein the evil spawn of the Red Skull knifed the fucking baby in Sharon's gut - yeah, that shocking, emotional scene.
I just couldn't take my eyes off that one ice cube that manages to slip the bounds of physics one moment and then go back into the realm of reality the next. I know how it's supposed to be, since the shot is low to the ground looking up to the bottom up to her face and the glass is transparent. I get it. But still the stupid optical zig-zag messes with me. Perhaps it's part of the cosmic cube and it's choosing to be seen as it wishes, how it wishes, when it wishes.
I was thinking about this after I finished reading the issue (not about the damn ice cube). Did Sharon Carter finally remember what really happened, or did she (and the readers) remember what Dr. Faustus wanted her to remember? It's very well possible that Faustus and Zola removed the fetus and implanted the entire fight with Sin in Sharon's brain, or they removed the baby after a real fight. Either way, only time will tell! The scar on her mid-section could go either way.