Greetings fellow True Believers!
For those of you who are fans of the Hulk and Hercules you may have noticed the teenage super-genius sidekick extraordinaire, Amadeus Cho. This fairly new character to the Marvel Universe (since January 2006, Amazing Fantasy #15) has the mental capacity to make precise calculations that under his advisement can change the odds in his or his allies favor. Reed Richards described him as the 7th smartest person in the world, no small claim coming from Reed!
Amadeus and Hercules have become strange allies and of late have found themselves mixed up in the newly reconfigured Migthy Avengers. In issue #21 Hank Pym states that Cho is actually the 8th smartest person in the world. I’m not sure how Reed made that error in judgment, but it was his idea to steal a rocket with piss poor shielding and fire off into space with his then girl friend Sue Storm, her kid brother Johnny, and his best friend Ben Grimm. I mean it wasn’t like they were going to the corner store to pick-up milk! But I digress!
This newly discovered revelation started a debate between everyone’s favorite Crazy Injun, Dashing Dan B. and myself as to who were the smartest brains in the Marvel Universe?
Here are my choices based off of the Marvel Universe site (which scales various characters abilities from a scale of 1 to 7) and using wise comic nerd knowledge:
1) Mister Fantastic – Reed Richards
2) Doctor Doom – Victor von Doom
3) Iron Man – Anthony “Tony” Stark
4) Apocalypse – En Sabah Nur
5) Mister/Ms. Sinister – Nathaniel Essex/Claudine Renko
6) Beast – Henry “Hank” McCoy
7) Wasp/Yellowjacket/Giant-Man/Goliath/Ant-Man – Henry “Hank” Pym
8) Amadeus Cho
There are definitely some other guys worth debating about, such as Herbert Edgar Wyndham, The High Evolutionary (who by the way was inspired by Mr. Sinister in the 1900’s). Marvel has him listed as a 6 on the intelligence scale, but I don’t know. This guy created the New Men (evolved animals that can walk and talk like humans). In truth he got the blueprint for breaking the genetic code from the Inhuman know as Phader. So yeah, he cheated a bit. However it was still Wyndham who created the Isotopes to control genetic alteration. Even cooler he built a suit of protective armor that could heal him, as well as provide complete life support. Plus, he built a Counter-Earth for his New Men, but enough about The High Evolutionary for now.
The rest of the smartest characters on the 6 scale are the Leader – Samuel Sterns, Hulk – Robert “Bruce” Banner, Spider-Man – Peter Parker, and Magneto – Magnus.
Coming in at 5 is Charles Xavier (Professor X), Norman Osborn (Green Goblin), Nathaniel Richards (Reed’s dimension hopping dad), and Paul Norbert Ebersol (the Fixer). Oh yeah, X-Men fans Forge is only ranked in the 4 category.
So, for now Amadeus Cho IS the 8th smartest person in the world, that is until Valeria Richards grows up!
Good idea for the 1st post. I think that Val is edging into this list pretty quickly. She's building dimensional whatshiswhosis pockets already!
ReplyDeleteI'll post my 8 person list of hilarity when I get some down time during the working day. (most of the day)
Here goes:
ReplyDelete1. Reed Richards - He just makes shit up and it happens.
2. ROM - His cold metal body helps curb those human "urges" so he can concentrate on math.
3. Black Bolt - He never says a word so you can't hold him to anything. Genius.
4. Doctor Doom - Time. Travel. Carpet.
5. Loki - He'/she's still alive after all that douchebaggery. Pretty smart dude/lady.
6. The Mad Thinker - He's mad! He's a thinker! Awesome Android!
7. Blastaar - His name is Blastaaaaaaaaar. And he's hairy with big boots.
8. Amadeus Cho - Asian guy.
Great post Devil. Here's my list:
ReplyDelete1. Reed Richards - There is no doubt and stretching isn't cool enough no matter how he rocks the ladies.
2. Dr. Doom - The Yang to Reed Richards' Yin. Plus ruler of his own country of Doombots.
3. The Leader - Look at that melon! How can you argue with that melon?
4. Smart Alec from Omega Flight - Because you knew I would mention John Byrne's 28 issue run on Alpha Flight. DOPE!
5. MODOK - Come on, the guy is all head with teeny tiny limbs.
6. Arnim Zola/Red Skull - It's Hitler's brain and the Red Skull's consciousness in a robot body with a TV screen for a face. Maximum Kirby crackle.
7. The Sentry - Because I think he's cool and it's known that he built both the Watchtower and CLOC by himself. That's pretty rad.
8. Tony Stark - Because he was smart enough to drink for being such a douche.
Amadeus can't step to these playas! Smart Alec is moving on up that list with his encephala-helmet. Go Canada!!!
What about Uatu the Watcher?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't he know stuff, but generally can't really tell you about it? (unless it serves a story's purpose...) That doesn't make him smart, just a big-headed jerk library full of facts that you can't access.
ReplyDeleteUatu is super intelligent and ancient but you're right, I wouldn't accuse him of being particularly crafty or creative. The solar system's biggest witness/peeping tom basically. Plus, he got his ass handed to him by Red Hulk aka Rulk which makes him budge in the extreme. That being said, I did give you your Red Skull love Murph, cuz he's got a face in a tv in a robot body!
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind that the top 8 list only covers humans. Otherwise, I'd be listing the Celestials. So for now anything other than human beings gets the big Arishem "the Judge" thumbs down!
ReplyDeleteWell then "The Devil" your list is bullshit as it contains a mutant i.e. Beast who isn't a true human...
ReplyDeleteI stand by Uatu the watcher.
I would also like to put forth a vote for Lockjaw as smartest canine in the marvel universe
And ROM is an alien, Arnim Zola is a machine, etc... I think you're splitting hairs Murph. Lockjaw is an Inhuman and therefore is a mutated Kree/Human hybrid. He will slobberknock you down though. It's his best defense.
ReplyDeletePS: Watcher=balls. See reference here.
Sweet, sweet Lockjaw.
ReplyDeleteBut Beast is still human, just with the mutant gene thingie or whatevers. He's not, say a Kree or Yeti-man or some shit. He came from human parents.
Zot biatch!
P.S. Coach, my list a joke. Blastaar is a retard and ROM is a horny robotman who can only count up to GALADOR!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip. I got it. However, I waste no opportunity to engage Murph in fine debate. It pleases me. Also, anyone called the "The Living Bomburst" is far from a retard. Hated by mom and pop Blastarr but not a retard. That names begs for respect!
ReplyDeleteOh Murph, when I think of who you would be in the Marvel U, I just see Red Hulk. I don't know why. Or maybe the Trapster aka Paste Pot Pete.
ReplyDeleteThe Soviet Super Soldiers are the bomb. I had that 4 issue crossover as well. They keep turning up once in a while in various books. That would indeed be a fine feature.
How can you discount The Beast so callously. His mutant abilities didn't make him smart, just blue, and hairy, and, well, bouncy I suppose.
ReplyDeleteForge being off the list I completely understand because his mutant ability is to make things.. just by thinking them up. He's not particularly smart, otherwise he'd think of some silly gadget so he could walk around without that stupid cane.
And the Leader, he can't be that smart, he always gets owned.
Silly old Leader.
Silly Murphy, if you're going by DNA then none of the people on the top 8 list should be considered (except for Cho and maybe Doom) as all of their DNA has been either restructured differently (due to radiation, Pym Particles, etc.) from plan ol' Homo sapiens or they were born with a altered DNA chain (such as mutants).
ReplyDeleteWhat DOT said about the Beast can be said for all the characters on the list, that arguably none of these characters mutations caused them to be of a higher intelligence. They are all just really smart whether Homo Superior or Homo Sapien.
You'll all get you chance to crush Murph's thoughts once he writes something up. He's joined our merry band of scribes.