He fills a void left by the folks I used to work with day in and day out. I now get my dose of stupid from this book. Though I doubt I'll stay on long after any Dark Reign tie-in action is over. It's the only reason I picked it up in the 1st place to be truthful. His adventures with the Thunderbolts recently have been amusing to be sure. It also outlines what a sorry bunch of sad sacks they are now.

Anywho, Bullseye is dressed as Hawkeye becasue of the whole Dark Avengers thing and hilarity ensues in 20 something pages. Besmirch is put to good use (as you can see from these shoddy pictured panels), Deadpool shoots a pizza delivery dude in the face or being a douche bag in High School, and the action sequences are well paneled and written for maximum funny/ridiculousness.

This week was kinda slow for me as most tiles were sorta ho-hum. As such, I deem this the Least Crappy Of The Stack. Something Deadpool would probably endorse.
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