This here panel from Avengers Invaders #10 is both funny and sad. Red Skull has taken out most of the undersea world as well as the surface world. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not Giganto! Who will becon to Sub Mariners sea-trumpet-magic-horn-blasts now? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I can name just about any giant monster or rubber suited man from Toho or Tsuburaya Productions, but the rest of these floaters outside of Mole Man's big green buddy there are a mystery to me. Name them and win my admiration! I've already dubbed the red one "Pinchy".
The Crab is Titano from Tales to Astonish #10. The Green fella on the upperright is Giganto I from Fantastic Four #1. The metal head below him might be the Manphibian or one of the Aquaticans. It's a shame they left out Monsteroso.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you missed the identification of Moleman's big buddy. Although he looks like he lost some weight in this appearance. Maybe the Red Skull cut back on his supply of Moloids.
ReplyDelete"but the rest of these floaters outside of Mole Man's big green buddy there are a mystery to me."
Sorry. You're right of course. My apologies.
ReplyDeleteClearly the one you dub "Pinchy" is none other the the great Lobstaro, 1st seen in Avengers #420.
ReplyDeleteHar har smokey. Pick up a little extra something on your lunch break?