Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I believe the alternate cover to #601 shown here sums it all up:

Even Thor is fucking bored.

This book has been a wee bit disappointing as of late. He's barely in the book. Thor rarely smashes anything either. Basically just sits around a campfire being bummed about the dying Sif while Loki tries to get Asgard moved to Latveria. They should call the book Loki and the Hobo Kingdom and be done with it. Also, why is this $3.99 while most of the rest of my comparably sized Marvel books still $2.99? That's some bullshit. Thor, pick it up or get bent, I'm snorin' here.


  1. Agreed. Thor was boring this month. And that forced love story between the hill-billy kid and the Asgardian chick is as interesting as watching the grass grow. What a shame for this month. However, I got a copy of the Avengers free comic day book and it's pretty cool. Guest starring Thor no less (for a short time).

  2. Maybe we're reading a different comic. Thor's been great since issue one of this series. It's still great. They've made the book about a cast of characters with Thor as the star. Well done indeed.

    This series is, by far, the most three dimensional writing of Thor, Blake and the Asgardians yet. If you don't like it, just don't read it.

  3. I'm sure this book would be better if it had Beta Ray Bill in it instead...
