The cover says nothing as lame as a turkey dinner goes on inside the issue, and this is correct to some extent - since this is pretty much a set up issue. The last few issues have set up some dope Doc Doom story possibilities. What with the few glimpses of his mysterious masters or whatever, which were pretty terrifying. I mean if Doom bows in fealty to someone, then they have to be one badass and cruel being. But this issue takes a break form that story line development, leaving Doom in his prison, to await whatever the evil master guys have in mind. Nope, it's vacation time for the FF. And just like when the Brady Bunch went on their Hawaii trip, some weird stuff is about to go down.

Mainly I chose this as the BoTS because the art was super cool and the storyline sets up some ominous shit. Bryan Hitch basically writes a love letter to Scotland with the art. There were at least 2 double page spreads of idillyc countryside and several full pages that really soak up the historic architecture of small Scottish village life. Although my heart of hearts wishes the FF had gone to Assisi instead, the backdrops shown here are just awesome. Anyways, these lovely images also contain ominous bits and pieces that help set the atmosphere for what's to come next. Weird stone circles on hilltops, ruins, macabre statues, and cryptic designs on public fountains that all scream weirdo monster cult ahead. Plus the flashbacks about a baby eating creature or person helps put you in the right frame of mind while viewing the panels.

The story ends on a cliffhanger as Val flies off (Reed made flight jackets as an xmas gift to the kids) into some creepy forest to check out some abandoned tower with her brother. Franklin can't find his sister in the woods and stumbles upon something shown off panel to be revealed next issue. Unfortunately the issue ends with a terrible full page panel of poorly drawn, encephalitic headed Franklin. But this doesn't ruin all the cool stuff that came before. I'm very curious to see what's in store for next issue. Good stuff.
Those backgrounds are outrageous. Hitch definitely has some mad skills. I've been waiting to collect this run in trade paperback. Looking forward to it when they're all available.
ReplyDeleteUnfortuantely the problem with Scotland is... "its full of Scots!"