Fables 82 features an artist change-up both on the cover and interior. This made for some minor shock and adjustment in my brain. I knew James Jean was history in terms of covers, which is a total bummer. (more on this later this week) We've been blessed with pretty much the best regular cover artist in the biz for quite some time now. The new guy Jao Ruas has some ridiculously large shoes to fill.
But, the interior art was bummerville. Fill-in artist David Hahn is competent and gets the job done. But this at the cost of the super cool and interesting panel layouts that Buckingham usually provides. Plus this guy was wee bit too anime-ish for my tastes. But it's temporary. Seems kinda lame to wrap up Boy Blue's death with a filler artist though.
However, I guess this filler issue was necessary given the upcoming "Great Fables Crossover" deal where Fables, Jack of Fables, and The Literals (some new thing) finally interact with one another. That's nine Fables titles in 3 months! I'm pretty stoked on this as Jack of Fables has begun to get a little iffy in spots out there on his own. He needs to get back with his peeps and start some shit there.
All of what you said is true, but aren't you the least bit excited by the possible "Animal Farm" type rebellion brewing (which was set-up in this issue)? Plus, how is the murder of Gepetto going to go over? I liked how the big cats bury his ass like so much poo.
ReplyDeleteI hate to say this, but although Bill Willingham is a fun writer, artist Mark Buckingham makes this book. Without his style I'd be less interested.
I guess I didn't clarify my thoughts. Surprise! The story is still strong and entertaining in this issue. More rebellion is good and the Gepetto bit was hilarious in its way. I just wish that Buckingham had drawn it.
ReplyDeleteBut he's going to be back for the next arc and it looks to be super dope now that Jack is back.
Let the douche baggery commence!